Class details

Tiny Baby Glow and Baby Glow (0 - 5mth)

Tuesday 12:45pm - 1:15pm

Spaces Available 🎉
Venue details

Caxton Village Hall,
Gransden Road,

CB23 3PL   view map

Venue Notes

A perfect blend of our Tiny Baby Glow & Baby Glow music classes - we'll awaken your baby's senses, help your baby's development and build your bond with your precious little one. From soothing lullabies to tummy time and hand-eye co-ordination we've got everything you need for play time, development and sleep! Ideal if you're baby is not on the move, and if you're looking to make friends with other new parents or to enjoy the same class as a friend who also has a little one. We can't wait to meet you!



This price covers the 3 sessions remaining in this term.

Tuesday 12:45pm - 1:15pm

3 sessions Tue 18 Mar 25 Tue 25 Mar 25 Tue 01 Apr 25